Terms & Conditions

1. About us

GLS Italy S.p.A. ("GLS") is a company incorporated under Italian law with sole shareholder subject to the management and coordination of GLS BV, with registered office in San Giuliano Milanese (MI), via Basento 19, tax code 02321010247, VAT number 12144660151, REA MILAN 1425158, telephone number 0298035556 and e-mail address customerservice@gls-italy.com, holder of general authorisation for postal services no. AUG/000361/2000. GLS is the franchisor of a network of companies involved in transport activities and licensees of the “GLS” brand (hereinafter, the "Companies"). The service (the "Service"), purchased pursuant to these general terms and conditions (the "General Terms and Conditions") and as further described in paragraph 3 below, is provided by the relevant Network Company. During the Service purchase procedure, information is made available to identify the Company responsible for providing the specific Service purchased (the "Providing Company"). GLS and the Companies provide the Service as professionals pursuant to Legislative Decree 206/2005 (the so-called Consumer Code). 


2. Modifications

GLS reserves the right to amend these General Terms and Conditions for justified reasons, including, but not limited to, in the event of operational difficulties arising from changes in legislation, in the event of changes to the Service and the functionality of the Site (as defined in paragraph 3 below). Neither GLS nor the Companies shall be obliged by any agreement to vary these General Terms and Conditions if the agreements are not in writing and signed by GLS. These Terms and Conditions supersede and cancel any previous agreements.


3. General Description of the Service

The Service governed by these General Terms and Conditions allows natural or legal persons having, as the case may be, residence or registered office in Italy (hereinafter the "Contractor or Contracting Party") to purchase shipments online. It is possible to purchase single-piece shipments with a sending address in Italy (excluding the municipalities of: Livigno, Campione d'Italia) and a destination address in Italy, San Marino or within the European Union (excluding: Livigno, Campione d'Italia, Canary Islands and in general territories outside the EU customs area or not selectable during the purchase process).

The Contractor shall finalise the purchase on the website https://store.gls-italy (the 'Site'), accessible via browser on PCs or via browser on smartphones and tablets.

The Contractor, once the purchase is finalised, may entrust the package:

-  by delivering it to a pick-up point, (the 'Parcel Shop'), selected at the time of purchase (hereinafter, the 'Parcel Shop Service'); or

-  by home collection.

In the latter case, extra costs may apply, which will be displayed during the purchase process. Similarly, the package may be delivered to the recipient:

- at the Parcel Shop indicated during the purchase phase, where the parcel will remain available for 10 (ten) working days (also referred to below as 'Parcel Shop Service'); or

- at the recipient's address indicated at the time of purchase.

In the latter case, an additional cost may be envisaged (which will be indicated in the purchase procedure as "home delivery"); always in this case, the following options (hereinafter simply referred to as "Flex Delivery") will be activated by default and included in the price already paid (i.e., without any additional cost): 
a) Change of scheduled delivery date 
The addressee may choose a new delivery date within 3 (three) working days following the originally scheduled date. In the event of non-delivery due to absence of the recipient, the recipient has the next 2 (two) working days to choose a new delivery date. The new date shall be between the day of non-delivery and 10 (ten) working days thereafter.

b) Choice of new pick-up point between GLS Depot and Parcel Shop

The addressee may choose to have the shipment delivered to a GLS Depot or Parcel Shop that is part of the location's area of responsibility to the original destination address.

In the case of Flex Delivery options, the contractor is aware and accepts that the recipient is free to decide on the delivery date and pick-up point. 
Finally, optional additional services can also be selected for a fee:

- All-in insurance (more details in Article 15 of these General Terms and Conditions and at the link https://store.gls-italy.com/en/all-in-insurance

- SMS notification to the recipient, which generally consists of sending the following notifications:

Notice of Departure Shipment, Notice of Delivery Shipment, Notice of Available Deposit, Notice of Delivery, Notice of Non-Delivery (more details will be highlighted during the purchase process). 


4. Execution of the assignment

The Providing Company shall perform the Service pursuant to and within the limits of these General Terms and Conditions, also using third-party carriers. In any case, it reserves the right not to perform the Service in the event of a breach of these General Terms and Conditions by the Contracting Party and/or the sender (by way of example but not limited to in the event that the Contractor or the sender uses the Service to ship goods excluded from carriage in accordance with paragraph 7 of the General Terms and Conditions, in the event of non-payment or incomplete payment for the Service, in the event that the measurements of the parcel taken by the Contractor or the sender prior to collection at home prove to be incorrect or in the event of an absent or poorly posted consignment note or unsuitable packaging). 

In addition, GLS may make use of partner companies for the provision of the ParcelShop Service: further details can be found in the sheet of the Parcel Shop that the Contracting Party intends to choose, which can be consulted on the website https://gls-group.com/IT/it/trova- sede-parcelshop.


5. Purchase methods  

Once the estimate has been made, the Contractor may complete the purchase in guest mode (guest user) or registered via the Site. In the case of guest mode, as well as in the registration phase, the Contractor shall enter the data necessary both for the performance of the Service and for the issue of the invoice, taking care to enter them in a complete manner and assuming responsibility for their correctness. In the event of selecting home collection, it shall be possible to choose the time slot and day indicatively available for collection. To proceed with the purchase, the Contractor shall accept these General Terms and Conditions. Payment shall take place at the same time as the purchase; in fact, the Contractor, once he has indicated the desired payment item and indicated the mandatory consents, will be redirected to the payment gateway page operated by a third party. These payment methods are available every day, from 00:00 to 24:00, unless otherwise indicated on the Site and subject to technical problems of the aforementioned third parties.
Once the payment has been completed, the Contractor will be redirected to the Site and will be able to view the order number; the Contractor will receive via e-mail the summary of the order while the sender will receive an e-mail with the link from which it will be possible to download the waybill (also known as the "scorecard") after entering his/her personal data and accepting these General Conditions. It is therefore specified that the legal effects of this contract shall also fall directly on the sender, who shall be considered for all purposes as a substantial party to the shipping relationship. The consignment note must be printed and affixed to the package. For packing instructions, please refer to the following Packing Guide at https://store.gls-italy.com/en/prepare-your-parcel. Please note that if the waybill is missing or badly displayed, or if the above guidelines are not followed, the package may be refused. In the event of rejection, if the package has been entrusted to a Parcel Shop, the Contracting Party or sender may correct the errors in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions and return the package to the same Parcel Shop requesting shipment at no additional cost; if the package has been entrusted by home collection, the Contracting Party or sender must contact GLS customer service via the Contact section of the website, which will inform them of any additional costs.

6. Fees, Payment and Invoicing  

The tariff applicable to the Service is calculated when the departure and arrival addresses are entered, as well as on the basis of the calculated size and any additional services chosen. It should be noted that each Carrier is autonomous in setting the tariff. On the basis of the applicable tariff, the fee for the Service (the "Fee") shall be calculated, which in any case shall be displayed on the Site prior to the purchase of the Service itself. It is specified that for the purposes of calculating the Fee, the taxed weight shall be considered. The taxed weight determines the size of the shipment and is the higher value between the actual weight and the volumetric weight of the package (including packaging). The volumetric weight is the conversion of the volume from cubic metres to kg, calculated in proportion to the indicated shipment size, with a ratio of 250 kg per cubic metre for domestic shipments and 167 kg per cubic metre for international shipments. For domestic shipments, the volumetric weight is calculated using the following formula: [Width(cm) x Height(cm) x Depth(cm) x 250]/1,000,000. The formula for calculating the volumetric weight of international shipments is instead: [Width(cm) x Height(cm) x Depth(cm) x 167]/1,000,000. Packages entrusted by the Contractor shall not exceed 20kg taxed weight or the package will not be accepted. An electronic invoice shall be issued to the Contractor (Legislative Decree No. 52 of 20/02/2004) sent in deferred mode pursuant to Art. 21, para. 4 letter a of Presidential Decree 633/1972. The Contractor will receive a copy of the invoice by e-mail; the Contractor may however also consult the invoice through the interchange system of the Italian Revenue Agency, if the Contractor is authorised to do so. The Services are subject to VAT at the ordinary rate, unless otherwise indicated on the Site. The Fees on the Site are already VAT-paid.

Finally, should discrepancies be found with respect to the size declared at the time of purchase, GLS and the Companies reserve the right to, at their discretion, either refuse the Service or notify the Contracting Party of: (a) the additional amount due, calculated on the basis of the current and currently applicable rates; (b) any extra costs incurred by the Providing Company due to the discrepancies with respect to the size originally declared; (c) the relevant invoice and the method of payment. In this case, the Service shall be suspended until the balance is paid.

The costs relating to the use of the equipment by means of which the Service is accessed and the necessary transmission media (e.g. personal computer from which the Contractor accesses the Site and its Internet connection) shall be borne by the Contractor.


7. Goods excluded from carriage

The goods and shipments listed below are excluded from carriage by GLS and are therefore excluded from the Service:

  • Gold, precious stones or other valuables items
  • Works of art (with a declared value of more than 130 euros)
  • Gold or silver medals
  • Paper money
  • Notes payable to the bearer
  • Jewellery in general
  • Negotiable securities

Narcotic, psychoactive, psychotropic substances in general, even if the concentrations of the active substance make them legal

  • Shipments to be delivered for the attention of certain people (unless previously agreed)
  • Shipments that require special care (such as plants or flowers, for example)
  • Corpses or human remains
  • Animals or insects (dead or alive)
  • Shipments of inflammable or dangerous material, or material that could damage other shipments or that require special administrative authorisation (ADR, Health Authorisation etc.) for transport
  • Shipments that have not been packed in a suitable way or that have been packed badly
  • Shipments of arms, munitions or weapons parts
  • Shipments not accompanied by the necessary documentation
  • Monopoly items
  • Food products and/or medicinal and pharmaceutical products: the only products accepted are non-perishable food products and/or medicinal and pharmaceutical products that have been properly packed and packaged in accordance with legal requirements, with the exception of those that transported and/or stored at a controlled temperature.
  • Shipments containing goods with a value of more than EUR 5,000.

GLS also excludes from transport goods or packages that are forbidden by provision to be sent, due to, by way of example, but not limited to, their contents, the recipient or the country to or from which they are to be sent. Legal provisions mean any law, regulation or measure that places bans (including commercial or economic bans) on countries, individuals or organisations, including but not limited to those imposed by the United Nations, the European Union and the member states of the European Union. In any case, the Providing Company reserves the right to accept or not accept the packages it receives for transport depending on their mass and volume, and the legal requirements concerning manual handling of such items must be complied with. The Providing Company is not obliged to inspect the load to verify that the goods are among those excluded under this paragraph. It does, however, reserve the right to inspect the cargo even without prior notice and shall have the right to refuse to transport the goods even if they have been forwarded in accordance with paragraph 4 above.


8. Arrangements for collection and delivery

GLS and the Providing Company may prove by any means the lack of packaging of the goods entrusted to it for carriage, even in the absence of reservations made by the carrier at the time of collection. Collections and deliveries are understood to be made at the sender's and recipient's ground floor, house number, accessible to normal means of transport, except as provided for international transport. The charges shall be determined at the time of departure and shall be borne by the Contractor. The Providing Company and/or GLS may use electronic devices to obtain proof of delivery. In this respect, the Contractor and the Sender expressly acknowledge the principle of non-discrimination of electronic documents and signatures with respect to paper documents and also acknowledge that the use of the aforementioned electronic devices may satisfy the requirement of written form in accordance with the Digital Administration Code (CAD - Legislative Decree No. 82 of 7 March 2005).


9. Fragile goods

Fragile goods shall travel at the risk and peril of the Contractor and/or the sender. Acceptance of them by the Exporters does not imply acceptance of liability in the event of damage and/or breakage, except in cases of intent and gross negligence.


10. Stocks

For goods that cannot be delivered to the recipient for any reason not attributable to the carrier, as well as for goods awaiting instructions from the sender, custody will be arranged. GLS or the dispatch company shall contact the contracting party by email for release, which must in any case take place within 5 days. In the event of returns to the sender, storage or collection at the Parcel Shop not being carried out, GLS and the Exporters reserve the right to notify and request from the Customer: (a) any extra costs incurred by the Exporter due to the handling of such cases; (b) the relevant invoice and payment method.


11. Sending correspondence 

Each item of correspondence must comply with the requirements of the legislation protecting the postal reserve in favour of the Post Office, including any postage according to the weight of the envelope, which is not part of the Service and is not included in the Fee. Penalties imposed on the Providing Company and resulting from failure to comply with the above shall be charged to the Contractor and/or the sender who committed the breach. The Providing Company shall not accept strict delivery deadlines for the dispatch of documents for the purposes of participation in auctions, tenders and anything else that requires delivery within a given deadline under penalty of forfeiture. The sender and the Contractor hereby exonerate GLS and the Providing Company from any liability for damages due to late delivery.


12. Declarations of the Contractor and/or Sender

The Contractor and the Sender declare that they comply with these General Terms and Conditions in their entirety, especially (but not limited to) with regard to statements on shipment size, residence/domicile, correctness of data entered and contents of the shipment. The contracting party and the shipper shall indemnify GLS/the shipping company and reimburse GLS and/or the shipping company for any additional expenses, penalties and/or damages incurred by GLS and/or the shipping company in the execution of the carriage due to the incorrect and/or incomplete and/or untrue declaration made through the Site and/or contained in the shipping document, as well as for the violation of these General Terms and Conditions in general. The Contractor and/or Sender may also be required to declare the value of the goods for the purposes of taking the precautions associated with the particular nature of the carriage as well as for the consequent tariff adjustments. In any case, the waybill may not constitute proof against GLS and the Providing Company regarding the condition, volume, weight and type of the goods. The Providing Company may require the goods to be inspected in the presence of the person entitled to do so. The right to inspect the goods on

request of the competent authority. The person entitled acknowledges that the carrier is not in possession of the transport documents, which travel inside the packages transported. The annotations made on the package markers and/or borderò prepared by the carrier shall be understood as made on the transport documents, also for the purpose of delivery of the goods. The Providing Company may in any case verify at any time the information provided by the Contracting Party and/or the sender regarding the nature of the goods, labelling, packaging, and the relative documents, even for goods already accepted.


13. Reimbursement of expenses

The Contractor and/or the shipper shall be jointly and severally liable for the reimbursement of any fines, costs or damages incurred by the Providing Company and/or GLS due to shipments entrusted to them without complying with these General Terms and Conditions.


14. Statements of Value

The Policyholder, with respect to only those goods for which he intends to apply for insurance coverage on his behalf, is obliged to indicate the value of the same. The amount of the cash on delivery does not indicate and does not replace the declaration of the value of the goods.


15. Insurance coverage

If the Contractor intends to ask GLS to stipulate an insurance policy covering the value of the goods on behalf of the Contractor, he shall select the appropriate insurance coverage service on the Site.

In this case, GLS shall arrange this with an insurance company (the "Insurance Company") as its own discretion, with the right to act as the policy contracting party. The Providing Company shall be entitled to reimbursement of the insurance premium and costs incurred, as well as payment of any agreed ancillary fees. Any form of advance payment by the Providing Company of the amount due by the Insurance Company under the policy is excluded.

The indication by the Contractor of the value to be insured shall be equivalent to a declaration of the value of the goods, without prejudice to the Insurer's right to ascertain the actual value of the goods. The Contractor shall not claim any indemnity unless it has provided all documents requested by the Insurance Company and has proved its right to the goods.

Please note that the All-in is the insurance product designed for the Service, which can be optionally subscribed to at the price indicated on the Site in the order summary. An extract of the insurance policy can be found at https://store.gls-italy.com/en/all-in-insurance. The full text of the policy shall be sent to the Contractor with the order confirmation e-mail and to the sender (if different from the Contractor) with the e-mail with the link to download the waybill. This is an insurance cover against material damage or loss (by way of example: fire, theft, robbery, loss, breakage, wetting) suffered by the goods entrusted for transport from the moment they are taken over by GLS until their return . The maximum sum insurable is Euro 1,500.00 in total per shipment and no deductible shall apply. However, this insurance service cannot be selected if the Contractor selects a Parcel Shop as the destination address. In addition, the following goods cannot be insured: Valuables, coins, documents, stamps, tobacco, money, gunpowder, corrosives, contaminants, explosives and flammable liquids, non-ferrous metals in general, motor vehicles, art objects, live animals, live plants, household goods, damaged goods (shipments of goods in c/repair are guaranteed instead), perishable goods and/or goods to be transported by means of isothermal and refrigerated vehicles, goods subject to controlled temperature, antiques in general, skins and furs, valuable carpets, paintings, sculptures in general, objects with collectors' and/or art and/or sentimental value, coffee and/or cocoa, fishmeal, goods transported by Tanks Containers and/or tankers in general, as well as complete loads of clothing or footwear. Furthermore, the following cannot be insured anything else provided for in Article 7 (Goods excluded from carriage) of these General Terms and Conditions.

Finally, it is only possible to be reimbursed for shipments of used items if the insured person can prove the quality and actual value of the item shipped by means of appropriate documentation, such as:

  • copy of sales receipt or invoice
  • in the case of a sale between private individuals, a copy of the transaction documents showing the agreed price.
  • photographic documentation of the shipped object
  • objective proof that the damage is unequivocally attributable to the fact of carriage (cosmetic damage such as nicks, chips, scratches, etc. will not be admitted).
  • Please note that the aforesaid documentation does not constitute an "accepted estimate" (Art. 1908 CC) and that the Insurance Company will always take into account depreciation and degradation in use.
  • If it is not possible to provide adequate documentation attesting to the quality and value of the shipped item, insured shipments are not recommended.

Any damage occurring to the goods must be reported in accordance with the provisions of Article 1698 of the Civil Code. Therefore, requests for reimbursement due to damage or partial or total lack of the goods must be received within 8 (eight) days from the date of delivery to the addressee via the "Contacts" section of the Site.


16. Late delivery of goods

No binding delivery date shall be binding for GLS and the Providing Company, who shall not be liable under any circumstances for damages resulting from late delivery of the goods. Under no circumstances shall the acceptance by the Providing Company of goods, packages or documents on which the expressions "mandatory" or "urgent" or other equivalent expressions have been affixed directly on the outer packaging, or on the delivery note or waybill. In this case, the liability of the Providing Company and/or GLS for late delivery shall never exceed the compensation limits set forth in Paragraph 19 of these General Terms and Conditions. In any case, GLS and the Providing Company shall not be considered in default if acts or events out of their control occur, including the incomplete or erroneous provided for the delivery; if the recipient cannot be found or refuses to accept the delivery; force majeure, such as, including but not limited to, acts of public authorities performing their duties, riots, strikes or other trade union disputes, acts of piracy, weather events, etc.


17. Complaints to the carrier

Pursuant to and for the purposes of Section 1698 of the Civil Code (see Paragraph 27 of these General Terms and Conditions for information on how to report), for immediately noticeable damage when the goods are redelivered, the rights are cancelled if a written stipulation is not immediately made to the person responsible for delivery, except in cases of wilful misconduct and gross negligence. Pursuant to the same provision, the right to compensation for any damage not immediately noticeable on delivery suffered by the goods due to partial loss or damage shall remain unaffected if the damage is reported in writing as soon as it is discovered and no later than 8 (eight) days after receipt of the goods.


18. Renunciation of compensation

Pursuant to Article 1246 of the Italian Civil Code, the Contractor hereby rejects the right to assert and oppose the compensation of any claims that he may have against GLS or the Providing Company on any grounds whatsoever with claims that the latter may have against the Contractor before such claims have been ascertained and settled by the competent judicial authority.  


19. Liability for Damage and Limitation of Compensation

The Providing Company and/or GLS shall be deemed to be released from any and all liability when the goods have been made available to the recipient, subject to the provisions of Paragraph 17 of these General Terms and Conditions. The following shall be deemed to be "made available" those goods for which oral notice of collection has been given to the recipient and/or the persons present at his domicile; or written notice in the event of their absence. The Contractor and the sender agree that the total compensation due from the Providing Company and/or GLS, in terms of contractual and/or extra-contractual liability, in the case of loss and/or accident to the goods thet have received, may not exceed the limit set by the applicable laws and in particular, by way of example - but not limited to - those set forth in art. 1696 of the Italian Civil Code, Law no. 32/2005 and Legislative Decree no. 286/2005, except in cases of fraud and gross negligence. Goods mentioned to in Art. 7 of these General Terms and Conditions are excluded from any kind of indemnity. Pursuant to Art. 1694 of the Italian Civil Code, theft, robbery and exploding tyres are considered to be unintentional accidents.


20. Termination of the contract

GLS and the Providing Company have the right to terminate the contract concluded pursuant to the General Terms and Conditions via the Site (the "Contract"), unless services in progress of being performed, if the indications provided by the contracting party or the sender does not comply with the provisions of civil and/or criminal and/or administrative laws. For this purpose, a simple declaration by GLS or the Providing Company that they intend to terminate the Contract shall be sufficient. GLS and the Providing Company shall also have the right to terminate the Contract at any time, upon 15 (fifteen) days prior written notice, in the event that the Contractor fails to pay any of the amounts due under the Contract.

The Contract may also be rescinded in the event that the Contractor fails to make payments within the terms and in the manner provided for in paragraph 6 of these General Terms and Conditions, or if a discrepancy in weight or size is found with respect to what was declared at the time of purchase, or in general if the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions are not complied with. The Contractor registered via the Site is aware that the termination of the Contract as well as violations of these General Terms and Conditions constitute grounds for the suspension of his account from the Site, with the consequent disabling of access to the relevant services.


21. Withdrawal

The Contractor acting as a consumer may exercise the right of withdrawal pursuant to Article 52 of Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 (Consumer Code) as amended by Legislative Decree 21/2014. In particular, the Contractor acting as a consumer has the right to withdraw from the Contract, without giving any reason, within 14 (fourteen) days. The right of withdrawal shall commence on the day of acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal in accordance with this paragraph, the Contractor acting as a consumer shall inform GLS or the Providing Company. This information may be given via the form at the following link https://glsitaly.service-now.com/gls_create_report, by selecting the category "Parcel shop and Purchase shipments online Store GLS" and the sub-category "Other notifications".
Alternatively, the Contractor acting as a consumer shall inform GLS at one of the following addresses:
i) geographic: San Giuliano Milanese (MI), via Basento 19; (
ii) email: customerservice@gls-italy.com
of his decision to withdraw from the Contract by means of an explicit statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or e-mail, i.e. the "Withdrawal Notice"). The use of the aforementioned form is not mandatory as it is sufficient for the Contractor to send the Withdrawal Notice before the expiry of the withdrawal period. The right of withdrawal is, however, excluded where postage has been initiated, pursuant to Article 59 letter N) of Legislative Decree 206/2005 as amended. The Contractor is aware that by accepting these General Terms and Conditions he/she authorises the performance of the service, according to what he/she has selected at the time of purchase, or at the time when he/she will deliver the goods to a Parcel Shop or at the time of home collection. 

The Company shall proceed with any reimbursement within the term of 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the Notice of Withdrawal, by means of payment to the bank account of the Policyholder, who shall indicate the details of his bank account in the Notice of Withdrawal.


22. Right of Retention and Lien

To cover all credits dependent on assignments entrusted to it, even if they have already been carried out, the Providing Company will have the right of retention of anything in its possession, both goods and cash on delivery, and will have lien over them in accordance with articles 2761 and 2756 of the Italian Civil Code.


23. Responsibility of the Contractor

Il Contraente è responsabile dei danni ad altra merce, ad animali persone o cose provocati, direttamente o indirettamente, dalla merce non conforme alle presenti Condizioni Generali e ciononostante affidata lo stesso al vettore per il trasporto. 


24. Late payment

From the day after the deadline agreed for payment, the Contractor who does not act as a consumer is obliged to pay the Providing Company default interest on the sums due, at a rate equal to the single reference rate increased by 7 points pursuant to Article 5 of Legislative Decree No. 231/2002, in addition to the credit recovery expenses, pursuant to Article 6 of Legislative Decree No. 231/2002.  The Contractor will also be charged for any further sums deriving from the breach, such as, for example, Ri.Ba. return bank charges. The non-payment of even a single invoice, or fraction thereof if provided for, will result in the forfeiture of the benefit of the agreed deadline for any other invoices, with all legal consequences in this regard, as well as the application - for the Contractor not acting as a consumer - of default interest at the rate indicated above, starting from the issue date of the invoice, without the need for notice. The sums paid by the Contractor will be ascribed in accordance with Article 1194 of the Civil Code.


25. Reference to other regulations

Anything not covered by these general terms and conditions is subject to the "General Conditions of Carriage" of the Federazione Nazionale Corrieri (National Federation of Couriers) for national goods transport services, filed at all the CCIAAs on 12.6.1992, as subsequently amended, as well as the provisions of Legislative Decree No. 206 of 6 September 2005 (Consumer Code) and subsequent amendments.

Nothing in these General Terms and Conditions shall reduce the protections of the Consumer Code with respect to Contractors acting as consumers.


26. Processing of personal data

The Contractor declares that he/she will read the Privacy Policy available at the following links [privacy policy of GLS contractor and shipping company] before proceeding with the purchase. Furthermore, the Contracting Party declares to be entitled to provide personal data of third parties involved in the shipment (e.g. sender, recipient, invoice holder, etc.) such as name, surname, shipping address, invoicing data and, for some services (e.g. Flex Delivery as per point 3), contact data (e-mail address and/or mobile phone number) and to duly inform the parties involved about the data processing carried out by GLS and the Companies in order to perform the Service requested by the Contracting Party through the information notice available at the following link [sender/recipient information notice]. Failure to provide the requested personal data will render the Service or any part of it unsuitable. The Contractor undertakes to request immediate new credentials in the event of loss, theft or misplacement.


27. Assistance and Complaints

For assistance, the Contractor may contact our support via the 'Contact' section of the Site, by filling in the appropriate form. Further information on the contact details of the Companies and the Parcel Shop network can also be found at https://gls-group.com/IT/it/trova-sede- parcelshop


28. Jurisdiction

Any disputes concerning the interpretation and execution of these General Terms and Conditions, shall be at the exclusive e Jurisdiction of the court of the place of residence or domicile of the Contractor acting as a consumer pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 206 of 6 September 2005 (Consumer Code), as amended.

In all other cases, the court of the registered office of the Providing Company shall have exclusive jurisdiction.


29. Piattaforma ODR

In the case of a Contractor acting as a consumer, this paragraph shall also apply.

Online Dispute Resolution online shipment requests made by private citizen

The EU commission has set up an online platform for the online-resolution of disputes ("ODR Platform"). This platform serves as a contact point for extrajudicial resolutions of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from online sale of goods or services agreements.

Consumers can access the ODR Platform by clicking the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr . The e-mail address to be entered for the transmission of the complaint is ODR@gls-italy.com. In order to to allow the management of the position must be entered the tracking number in the item description of the procedure.


30. Miscellaneous

Each company is autonomous and independent in ownership and management.